Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Better Late than Never

OK, so my weekly update is a little late. I'm rather surprised at myself, you'd think I would have jumped to share the good news. I'm down another 2 pounds!! That makes a total of 18 pounds. Only 2 away from my first mini goal. Haven't decided what my reward is for hitting that, guess I had better figure that out pretty quickly. Any suggestions.

We're getting close to the end of the company Biggest Loser contest, and while I'm pretty sure I'm not on par to win it, I'm going to give it my best shot. I just started testing out a cool new product, and will share more on that after I've had a chance to give it a thorough testing.

I realized recently that I have been totally slacking on my afternoon walks - seems whenever I'm not blogging & Tweeting daily, I slack off. Well, I'm changing that now. I signed up for a new walking site called BeeWell Miles. You enroll for your free account, set mileage goals, track activities, you can track your food, get reminders to put in your miles and more. Now, I know there are a bunch of sites like this, here's the difference that got me loving this site - your miles equal donations to Breast Cancer Network of Strength®. How much better does it get? You get active, you feel better. You log your miles, they donate money for Breast Cancer, you feel good about yourself. There aren't many situations I can think of where everyone wins, but this is definitely one of them. I'm excited to make my miles count. I think with the motivation of knowing that the more miles I can put in, the more money gets donated, will help get me off my . . . rear. Try it out & let me know what you think.

Healthy and Happy Living


Unknown said...

DeAnna, I think it is great that you are doing the challenge! Even if you don't win the contest, in the long run you do win - better health! I love that you are walking/tracking for breast cancer. Keep up the good work!!

266 said...

I see that you came by my new blog and commented; thank you so much! I am so impressed with all the support I've gotten in such a short time! Good luck with your walking... I'll be checking out the website you recommended myself.

Ms Dragonfly said...

"Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest"

luv the layout! how did you do it? good luck with your life changes, i'm making a few of my own :)

From Janes Oven said...

Hey girl,
Thanks for stopping to day.

I am excited to read your recipes!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tania @ Larger Family Life said...

You're doing really well!