Thursday, August 20, 2009

What was PETA Thinking?

Please pardon me as I step up on my soapbox.

I hadn't decided what I was going to write about today. The last couple days have been pretty uneventful. But as I was scrolling through some blogs, I ran across "My Thoughts Ideas and Ramblings" and this post about a PETA billboard. As soon as I saw it, I knew what my topic would be. I was so instantly offended and disgusted by this ad, I had to see if anyone else felt the way the other blogger and I do. What you see below is a billboard that I understand to be in Jacksonville.
What is PETA thinking? As far as I'm concerned, they have been losing credibility as a legitimate animal rights group for years. They are a joke, and this is just one more example of why. It's not even true! As all of us trying to lose weight and be healthy know, there is not one magic diet that will make you lose weight, and just because it works for one person, doesn't mean it will work for anyone else. Even if vegetarianism was the magic cure for for being overweight, this is not the way to spread that word. And whatever happened to PETA being for the Ethical Treatment of animals? If they want to tell me the instances of animal cruelty, companies that are guilty of it, and what we can do to help, I'd be all for it. But what gives them the right to try and pray of the vulnerability of overweight people to get their way? And since when are Vegitarians magically more healthy? My cousin was a vegetarian for 4 years, she was sickly, unhealthy, underweight, and had very low muscle mass. Whereas when she started eating meat again 2 years ago, she put was able to put on the 10 pounds she needed to be at a healthy weight, and most of it was in muscle mass. She is now healthy and happy, and no longer sickly and pale.

Granted this is not everyone's experience with vegetarianism, but many that I know have the same problems with perhaps weighing less, but also having lower muscle mass. Now, I don't have anything against vegetarianism, it works for a lot of people. But I do feel the same way about it as I feel about religion. I believe what I believe, you believe what you believe; I won't try and push my beliefs on you, and won't let you try and push yours on me. If you want to be a vegetarian, be it for health benefits you may see or feel, or because you don't want to eat anything that used to have a face, then I'm happy for you and your chosen lifestyle. But don't push your ideals on me, or try to make me feel guilty for eating animals. Animals eat other animals, and people have been eating animals since the begining of humanity.

{De'Anna steps off her soapbox}

Thank you for listening to my ramblings. I'd love to hear what you think about this.

Healthy and Happy Living

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