Monday, July 6, 2009

Book Reviews

As part of my new healthy lifestyle, I feel it is important to exercise not only my body, but my mind. I am typically a voracious reader, and plan to have a library in my new house. But lately I've let my reading slip through the cracks. Oh, it's not that I don't read anything, but I've decided that blogs and tweets don't really count. I need to get back into story reading. Something that you can pick up, and block out the rest of the world for an hour, and really bury yourself in.

So, I have the previlidge of being a Thomas Nelson: Book Review Blogger. So you will occasionally find a new book review here of one of their latest offerings. I'm waiting for my first book to arrive, and am rather excited to start this new part of my journey.

Remember a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body!

Do you have a book, or a healthy living product/food you would like me to review? Email me for more information.

Healthy and Happy Living

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