Thursday, July 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to me. :)

Yup, it's my birthday and I'm celebrating. I thought this morning about it, and was reminded of a saying we learned in Weight Watchers a while back. When talking about holidays they ask "Do you want to count calories or count memories?" Well, for my birthday this year, I'm counting memories. A delicious Starbucks 5 pump White Mocha no whip this morning, breakfast burrito for breakfast. And later we're going to the new Harry Potter movie, where I plan to eat buttery and yummy popcorn. Then we're going out to dinner, and I'm going to enjoy the food and the company of my husband and son. Lastly, there's the birthday cake, German Chocolate, my favorite. Going to enjoy a nice big slice of that cake. 

Back on the horse tomorrow with Patty. 

Speaking of Patty, she had to cancel our session on Tuesday. So sad, but these things happen. I was very proud of myself though, I went to the gym anyway and put myself through a workout. I was brutal and ruthless, but caved when the lunges started to hurt. I know, I'm such a softy. I think I did pretty well, I hit my calorie burn goal for the day, and was pleasantly sore. We'll see how sore I am after tomorrow's workout when Patty finds out about today. 

Wish me luck!

Healthy and Happy Living

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